Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Tinkatolli Rooms! +Tinka of tuesDay!

My friend Geek found out the names of the rooms in Tinkatolli! Click here to go to his blog.

Here are some tweets which the Tinkatolli staff posted in Twitter
Today I made a discovery. Apparently the only place you can get stinky socks is in Stinkatolli, I guess that makes sense. – @Tinkating
We’ve been taking lots of practice runs in the login ballon. We get up so high I can see all the way from Junkatolli to Tinkertown!@Tinkinja
I was Dune surfing in Sundunia yesterday – and got tons of seeds for it! Got lots of sand in my ears too. -@BunnyMoonro
In the first first tweet, it says you get stinky socks in Stinkatolli(What could it be?
The second tweet gives away the names of two rooms: Junkatolli(could it be a Dumpster or something?) and Tinkertown(Probably its the place you enter when you login 3rd tweet: Sundunia(maybe it's a beach?)

Geek also made a map showing the places where the rooms might be:

Note: This information were found by Geek and not me!
Tinka of Tuesday:

It is: Beluga!
The Tinka he made is Goth:

Congrats Beluga!


Monday, November 15, 2010

Tinka of the week and Tinka of MonDay! + Tinkatolli Beta Update!!

The Tinka of the week is...Kongregate! He/She made the Tinka "Malawi":

Tinka of MonDay is...Difanto! Difanto made the Tinka "Shocked Bunny":

And also Kevin, one of the creators of Tinkatolli posted this in the TinkAbout it Blog:

We are starting to get a lot of questions about beta testing. Exogie, one of our most enthusiastic Tinkerers, emailed us and suggested that we write a blog post to let everybody know what’s going on with the beta. We thought that was a great idea, so here it is.

First, we want you to know that we are working night and day (it feels like that, anyway :-) ) to get the beta released. We know that it’s not going to be 100% perfect when we let the first testers in, but it’s important to us that we don’t have any big glitches that might cause players to get really frustrated.

We had our first closed beta test this summer, with about 200 kids from a school in the US. The testers were super excited about Tinkatolli, and they had a ton of great ideas for things we could add to the world (we have a whole mountain of cool things we want to start adding as soon beta-testing is up and running!). The testers, of course, also had a list of things that didn’t work so well, or that they found frustrating.

After the first test ended in September, we hunkered down with the list of ideas, problems, and glitches and went to work getting ready for the start of the next beta test. We’re almost there! We don’t want to set a specific date, but soon we will be contacting the first group of kids on our list of Tinka-testers.

We hope you understand that we won’t be able to let everybody in at once (there are a LOT of kids on the list). We’ll invite a small group in at first, run some tests for a while, and then invite some more testers. Once we feel confident that we have all of the glitches worked out, then we’ll open the doors of Tinkatolli for everybody.

And when that happens, we’ll hunker down again and start adding all of the great ideas that we’re sure you’ll have. We can’t wait!


Awesome! What do you think of it? Post your comments!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Tinka of the Weekend!

The Tinka of the weekend is...Cuteymaster123! Cuteymaster123 created this awesome Tinka and became Tinka of the week:

Congratulations Cuteymaster123! Don't worry if you didn't win, try again!

Welcome Tinkas!

Hello Tinkas!
My name is Rory. I've created this blog, Tinkatolli Guides for helping other Tinkas who need help with the game. I will update as soon as I can, and you keep checking this blog for updates!
And also comment!
